Miles had his one year check up complete with one bad boy vaccine and I suppose thankfully they were out of stock of another he should have gotten . Also got referred to a pediatric cardiologist to give a heart murmur another listen. Advice to see a specialist is never welcome news. With slumped shoulders and a bit of anxiety in my step I flew home so that yes I could google 'heart murmur in children'. I hear they are common. I hear they can be nothing. I hear they can go away on their own with little more that watching them. But I can't help but feel the need to handle my little guy with a little more TLC. I want him to do all he wants to do. Climb mountains, ride bikes, scream on roller coasters, run a marathon, and tackle the older brother without limitations a heart defect can have. Just have to vent tonight as its on my mind and I need to get it out. Dr. cardio better have us laughing that we had nothing to worry about. That is how all previous medical worries have gone, lets add this one to the list that just is a blip in our big, giant lives.
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