Today I sat in on a speaker, The Green Mama : Tracey Bianchi. I will forever remember her name as that is a bike manufacturer and well we know that bikes make the world go around in this house.
Anyway, she is a mom in the Chicago suburbs with 3 kids under the age of 7 doing what she can to educate her children, love her planet and raise awareness about living the 'leave no trace' lifestyle. She stressed that living green is not a trend its a transformation. I hadn't heard it put that way before and truly feel good hearing it put that way. She is not perfect and she didn't claim to be. She has forgotten her reusable grocery sacks upon parking her car at the store. She uses disposable diapers. She admitted what she can and can't do at this time with 3 young children. I gained much today from her guilt-free talk. I'm trying and at least trying is better than not. I'm doing the cloth diaper thing, using reusable grocery sacks, planting vegetables and herbs in our yard all the while talking to Henry about why we do these things. And there is a lot I'm not doing, and easily could and she inspired me today to look at what those things are. Thanks Tracey for the guilt-free talk today, now I'm going to go cut up Brian's old t-shirts. Bye Bye paper towels, its been nice knowing you.
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