Brian was putting Henry to bed last night and Henry had to come downstairs to give me a hug and kiss. He said "I'll see you in my dreams." If that just didn't make me love being a mom more than anything, I don't know what would.
He is sure a parrot these days. And often polite. I've asked him to help me by retrieving something I've left across the room and he eagerly gets it. I say "thank you" and he says "no problem", or "you're welcome". I'm working on him saying "Don't mention it." Thought that would bring some laughs.
Miles is growing like a weed. I find with him, I'm content as ever just to sit all evening and hold him. When Henry was an infant, I took the 'I'm not going to let a baby slow me down' and off we'd go out to lunch, shopping, running errands, pushing him around in the stroller, carrying him in the Bjorn and such. With Miles I don't want to run out to leave him behind for anything, or tote him along in a stroller. I don't want to miss a second of holding him close, cause NOW I know he'll be toddling around in a blink of an eye. There is nothing wrong with having that infant slow you down, having you spend an entire afternoon in a rocker. I'm realizing we'll be spending the rest of their lives hoping THEY would slow down. Soccer practice, boy scouts, bike rides, sleep overs and the beat goes on.
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