Spent the afternoon amongst great people and great food! The kids had fun with some yoga blocks outside the party room. What fun they had with Stack em' and Whack em'! I think Henry is dreaming the very minute about breaking through the towers of blocks he was building.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Babe and Jay's Shower
Spent the afternoon amongst great people and great food! The kids had fun with some yoga blocks outside the party room. What fun they had with Stack em' and Whack em'! I think Henry is dreaming the very minute about breaking through the towers of blocks he was building.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Christmas in the city
We kicked the season off by taking advantage of an amazingly mild and sunny weekend. Henry's first metra train ride downtown was complete success. He sat on the upper level on the way in, so cute! Both boys were complete troopers battling much walking, strolling, and crowding. Henry got some great looks from people as he strutted down State St. yelling "Yeah Baby, Yeah Baby." No clue. Don't ask. No clue.
We saw some of the Festival of Lights parade, he was happy with Mickey. We ended the evening at Macys. He saw the giant tree in the Walnut Room. He looked at the famous windows. And we headed back to the train where he even used the metra car potty. So thrilling I guess!! At least we know we can manage the short trip downtown with 2 kids in tow. I'm not booking reservations to Disney anytime soon, but I know its not impossible to keep kids fed and entertained on the go.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Caution: the following requires a tissue
Brian was putting Henry to bed last night and Henry had to come downstairs to give me a hug and kiss. He said "I'll see you in my dreams." If that just didn't make me love being a mom more than anything, I don't know what would.
He is sure a parrot these days. And often polite. I've asked him to help me by retrieving something I've left across the room and he eagerly gets it. I say "thank you" and he says "no problem", or "you're welcome". I'm working on him saying "Don't mention it." Thought that would bring some laughs.
Miles is growing like a weed. I find with him, I'm content as ever just to sit all evening and hold him. When Henry was an infant, I took the 'I'm not going to let a baby slow me down' and off we'd go out to lunch, shopping, running errands, pushing him around in the stroller, carrying him in the Bjorn and such. With Miles I don't want to run out to leave him behind for anything, or tote him along in a stroller. I don't want to miss a second of holding him close, cause NOW I know he'll be toddling around in a blink of an eye. There is nothing wrong with having that infant slow you down, having you spend an entire afternoon in a rocker. I'm realizing we'll be spending the rest of their lives hoping THEY would slow down. Soccer practice, boy scouts, bike rides, sleep overs and the beat goes on.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Stinker, Bones, and Sweet Pea
After a bit reluctance of putting on the costume, Henry headed outside and no we didn't make him put his coat on over his costume. But he was interested in wearing mittens. He visited about 10 houses and then wanted to head back so he could show Nana all his candy. And when he woke up today he said "Go trick or treating again?!" My reply "In 364 more days". Miles enjoyed his holiday inside spending time in 2 different costumes, both were so cute!
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