Well no excuse other than busy, busy, busy. Getting baby room ready, painting the living room, assembling new strollers, gardening, weed pulling, and Brian is super busy at work-the other work with a paycheck. Henry is using the word baby brother frequently. Though it sounds like baaay-brother.
He was super excited about the new stroller and served as a great test-rider for it at the store. Definitely a surreal moment when I realized I was shopping for a stroller WITH him, so different from the shopping I did for a stroller FOR him, 2 and a half years ago. Doctor visit today at 36 weeks was all normal everything. She guesses this baby to not be quite as big as 8'11, (Henry's birth weight). I'm feeling great, just frustrated I'm about out of a lap for bedtime story-time. So we sit on the floor for that now. Henry is kind of flip flopping between toddler bed and the crib. Depends on which way the wind blows. Fine by us if he chooses crib for another couple months, but the toddler bed is waiting at the ready for him. He enjoyed it greatly for a few weeks and then one day demanded the crib. My office treated me out for a wonderful girls' lunch out this week as well as a certificate to take advantage of a pre-natal massage. So I'm looking forward to that for sure. My first pregnancy I treated myself to a few pre-natal massages as I had the time and didn't feel guilty about the money. Now I certainly don't take the time for those, nor can I justify the heafty price tags like I used it.
Here's a few pictures of Henry's pajama picks lately, he chooses the top and bottom and they never match, which drives me crazy but thrills him completely. So he does what he likes, Mr. Independent. He opened the stroller that he'll share with baby brother, thought that was super cool. There is one of him enjoying a lolli-pop. The gas pump shot is for Aunt Julie, he loves to fill up his little people vehicles with gas. We've got swim lessons and trip to the Farmer's market and zoo if weather cooperates on tap for the weekend. :)
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