Headed to the Shedd Aquarium today. Henry loved yelling out "FISH" and "UH-OH". Not quite sure why, the uh-oh, maybe he thought big fish would eat little fish, or something to that nature. He seemed to be a fan of the turtles, which mom enjoyed also. Brian really loved the giant spider crabs, that were definitely impressive. The baby backpack worked splendidly. Brian and I were half downtown and realized all strollers were resting comfortably in the garage and not in our trunks Big UH-OH. The backpack allowed Henry a closer look into the glass and an adult height view is nice when all other little kids are pressed up against the glass to get a peak. Too bad we missed our scuba friend, Jeff who dives in the reef some days, today Susan was diving and she gave Henry a nice wave. He loved it and waved back! We had packed a picnic lunch and relaxed a bit with our peanut butters and jellies. Yum it hit the spot and we headed back home for a nap.
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