Am I the only one who upon the birthday of their child so vividly remembers that hospital experience that accompanied the child's first breath, first cry and first cuddle? I'm pretty certain I'm not alone. So those memories have flooded my mind the past few days and I love them all. We had a small party for Henry tonight and the changes since last year's 1st birthday are amazing. The cake eating didn't require a bath at its end. Unlike the first go-round the cake eating didn't have me watching for any signs of allergies, or sugar reaction cause until that birthday he hadn't had a morsel or refined sugar...right moms?? We all know that sugar sure entered that perfect little body well before that first evil bite of birthday cake. For the 2nd birthday we still can't blow out our own candles, that will come in time. The presents! Oh the presents, Henry let out this beautiful squeal of excitement. An exclamation I hadn't heard before today. Our passion for balloons still reigns supreme. He wouldn't let those out of his sight, let alone share them.
As we put birthday boy to bed, he now sleeps with choo-choos, and surely dreams of them. I dream of the sweet laughter I heard all evening, more happy days ahead, and thankful for all the fun we've had so far.
So I sigh contently when I realize that Henry's 3rd birthday is going to have another little person in the house sharing the fun with all of us. Next year will be a great year, changing Henry's life, changing my life, all for the sweeter.
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