Its been an exhausting weekend, and we'll all slept each night amazingly sound. We've all enjoyed the backyard, took walks through our new neighborhood, and dined at a local pizzaria, walking distance no less. We are living the sub-urban, that's what Brian calls it. Nervous to take my new train to work, nervous to drop Henry at his new sitter and nervous I won't be to work on time so tonight's sleep might not be the finest. Brian mowed the lawn today, did an awesome job! And he had a smile on his face. The neighbor's have been incredibly hospitable. We've received a bottle of home-made wine with grapes grown in our neighbor's yard and some bread. Henry was the recipient of a kids book and a toy from another neighbor and 2 other houses walked over to introduce themselves. I think we both have a hard time wiping the silly, smitten grin off of our faces at the end of the night. My sister and her husband were over one day and helped tremendously. Nana and Papa were here to watch Henry on moving and closing day and also never complained. I couldn't have gotten through that day without them. Slowly but surely the box count is dwindling. I have a realistic goal to get every last box done by Thanksgiving. If beautiful fall weather keeps up like it was all weekend I need all that time:)
Here's a few photos of the fun had this weekend and one shot of where we were just a short 3 days ago.
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