Just one more night in our cozy condo. Already we've dismantled our bed so we are sleeping on the mattress on the floor. (Evokes memories of college. ) Henry's crib was taken apart last night, now he slumbers away in the pack n play. He is getting quite skilled at climbing cardboard boxes and unpacking what I've already packed. Aughh! Spoke to the owners of the house we are buying yesterday and they said they used to live on the street my condo is on! A few miles north, but still the same street!! I think this is all meant to be. We were gifted with a couple of garden hoses, gardening tools and gloves from Brian's parents. Brian came back from Home Depot the other day with a magazine titled "The Handyman's Garage", with a beautifully organized glossy garage photo on the cover. It always amazes me the world of consumer goods that reveal themselves to you once you have one of those things....a garage.
As excited as we are about the house. I do think we will sweetly miss the simplicity of condo living.
I will miss:
The washer and dryer that I'm able to access anytime cause its in the middle of the condo between the bathroom and the kitchen. Isn't that where we spend most of our time anyway? The house's laundry will reside in the basement.
The crew that mows in the summer and snow blows in the winter will be missed once the novelty of oh say the first lawn mow and snow fall that we encounter.
The absence of a lawn that makes us have to walk the dog, forcing us to stretch our legs and get that fresh air in the dead of winter when you grumble about doing it at first but so glad you did.
Calling our management company to solve the issues when something has leaked, light bulbs in the building are out, or neighbors are messy and noisy.
Our amazingly incredible sitter and her family.
My granite kitchen countertop.
1 bathroom.
Things I will not miss:
Lugging toddler up 2 flights of stairs.
Lugging groceries up 2 flights of stairs, toddler in tow.
Slowly, slowly, slowly allowing toddler to toddle his way up AND down the stairs when I'm in a hurry.
The nice Peapod delivery man I started using when fed up lugging groceries up the stairs.
Tiptoeing around so as not to disturb neighbors below.
Neighborhood youth graffiti.
Neighborhood youth driving too fast down my street and alley.
Neighborhood youth littering in my little patch of lawn.
Parking on the street.
Parking 2 cars on street.
Not remembering where you last parked the car.
Street cleaning schedules.
Shoveling out parking space in the winter and finding items I can part with if they get lifted to save my spot, aka lawnchairs.
Bikes in my living room.
Bikes in my bedroom.
Bike parts on my kitchen counter.
Bike dirt on my floor.
Camel backs drying in my bathroom.
Those are really just naming a few.
Walk thrus, closings, and movers are all happening tomorrow starting at 9am. Can I belly up to the bar yet?