Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Easy days

Recently due to school schedules I've had some days with only Miles, while Henry has school. We really enjoy this one on one time. Superhero masks have been a recent favorite of his. He enjoys singing, dancing, and playmobil. Having just one child some days is just easy and also so important to me to see more into his spirit and personality. Love the smiley Miley days.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mom's day at school

Spent Saturday morning enjoying some one-on-one time with Miles at Pre-school.  Loved observing him in his environment.  He did everything with a purpose.  He went straight to the juice making.  Squeezed a whole orange and shared the juice with me.  Next he headed to the tea set and expertly poured water from a picture into 2 mini tea cups.  We shared a toast!  He then worked with a hammer and pegs, and finished off by showing me some cube puzzles that he worked well with.  We shared some coffee cake, coffee for mom and juice for Miles.  He really is fun to watch on his own and I'm so glad to see him growing into his own little person!