Thursday, March 22, 2012

Anything you can do, I can do also

This warm end of winter we've been having has us outside in the yard, out for walks, and to the parks. Its been so cool to see the boys revisit toys and bikes and playground equipment again after months of absence. Sadly it also really drives home how quickly they are growing. A tricky section to climb on the playground is suddenly tackled successfully before I know it. Both boys were excited about their accomplishments there. And I happily get to sit and enjoy watching from a few feet away on a bench. Oh how I'm ready to take a break now and again FINALLY from chasing them all through the equipment to ensure their safety.
Its also great to see the cozy coupe remain a beloved outdoor toy, also a developmental improvement from last years shuffling the feet only to go in circles. Miles has the hang of it now and has shuffled his way to and from the parks this week several times.
We've been coloring outside, eating outside, and planting outside. Warm weather sure has its share of plant and flower work, for the parents anyway, but I'm not complaining yet;)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Alfresco dining + bike ride for I SCREAM

Mild, great, feels-like-summer kind of a night graced us with its presence last night so we got the patio ware out and enjoyed dinner. Later took a bike ride to get ice cream. So nice to fill an evening being outside and exploring. We were each on our own bikes. Miles isn't quite pedaling yet, still shuffling along on his big wheel. I'm sure he'll get the pedaling down soon. Henry chose Mint chocolate chip and Miles chose Cookie dough. And I happily obliged as anything non-chocolate is easier on the laundry. Henry was excited to pick out shorts to wear today and Miles not so much. He kept trying to pull them down over his knees, so we put pants back on him. If he keeps that up, its going to be a long hot summer for him :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Water Bugs

We got to enjoy another water play weekend. The boys really had a great time and you can for sure see Henry's comfort level in the water getting higher and higher. He was running and jumping in with complete glee. Playing with cousin Dylan is always a treat and they really are smitten with him. I wish I could have bottled up the sounds of the laughter and splish-splashing... sounds of my kids just being kids.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Fresh out of the tub Miles found me finishing up some baking. He tries to say "Cup Cakes". Definitely a lover of sweets this one is.