So it was news to me when a good friend asked how Henry's 4yr. check up went. My reply was "what checkup?" So a few months late, 3 shots later he is still a healthy, happy, growing guy. He still has 3 more shots to get, I don't want to be the one carting him to that appointment...I don't know how we'll ever get him back to the Dr. after the tears that were shed yesterday. 38 pounds of tall and lean baby boy...uh big boy. He is enjoying his school 200% and has cried the last 2 Fridays when he learned he doesn't attend on Fridays. I enjoy hearing what the teachers have to report about him and Brian already got to participate in "Dad Night".
Sitting here watching more snow fall, we are anxious to get warm weather instead. Both boys had a bike ride last week in the garage and now every time Miles has to go into the car in the garage, he sees the Big Wheel and whines for it.