Monday, September 20, 2010

Block party!

The fire department was kind enough to show off their equipment for our neighborhood block party this year. Henry really enjoyed checking things out.

Whipped after the weekend

Enjoyed much 4 wheel Power wheelin' this weekend especially at the block party! The open road was a rare treat.
Ventured to the neighborhood Oktoerfest (in September I know what's up with that). Henry enjoyed several rides. It was so neat to see him more grown up, really enjoying every minute. It was really cool to see him do rides that took an adult to help him with last year. And no I didn't make him wear his helmet. He rode his bike to the fest and I guess forgot to take it off.
Miles just being cute while Henry napped we got to hang out just the 2 of us. He loves standing on a step stool so he can look outside. He loves standing on anything high for that matter, including the coffee table that I was lucky enough to get him off of that before things went bad.
And this was on the WAY TO Brian's bike race yesterday! Yikes tuckered out before we even got there to cheer him on. Notice the plastic beaded bracelet hanging out of his mouth. Cute!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Where have we been? I don't even know what vortex has sucked our time away. Henry started a gymnastics/ tumbling class this week that he is really enjoying so far. Miles has had a cold and is trying to cut his molars and its so painful for him, we've been dealing with unhappy baby. Here is cute Miles toddlin' along.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Miles 1 year

Henry 6 months

This stars and stripes was one of Brian's old outfits. I need to find the picture of Brian in it and scan it in. We decided this outfit is likely one of our oldest possessions. Pretty cool I think.