Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Henry 3 1/2, Miles 1

We headed down to the Conservatory in Lincoln Park for what I hoped was going to capture the cute boys being boys surrounded by some brilliant color. And we did.

photos by: http://rebeccascampiniphotography.com/

He loves the dirt

Cheered on Brian at the Palos Meltdown mountain bike race this weekend. Its now standard issue to bring Henry's bike which he loves riding around while the race is going on.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Checked out

Completely 100% checked out during our 40 mile hike last week. It was amazing to clear my head, not worry about a thing. Brian and I have done a few of these hikes, some years we've taken off due to little buns in the oven. But we definitely need to do these types of vacations every year. Unplugging is so necessary to be able to recharge and emerge ready to tackle anything. Sure we missed the boys, sure we missed good fresh food, and sure we missed a shower.
But its so worth the peace of mind that you get at the end of a week where the only decisions to be made were do you want to pause at this beautiful overlook or not? do you want to eat dehydrated cashew chicken and rice or jamaican jerk chicken and rice? do you want to swim first or put the tent up? Simple. Green. Refreshing.

Friday, August 6, 2010

On Vacation

Will miss these guys terribly while on vacation for a week. The peace and quiet will definitely be welcomed but not going to lie, if absence makes the heart grow fonder, than mine will be busting out of my chest by the time I return.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

Birthday party fun for Taryn and Tali!
Wizard of Oz story time
Daddy's bike race Sunday morning, The Tour Of Elk Grove. He did awesome, was on the front the entire time!
Fun splashing at Milennium Park

Henry loved the train and bus rides the best. He went ALL the way to the back of the bungee bus, loved it!