Thursday, May 27, 2010

My morning buddy

He sort of gets in the way when I'm trying to get around and out the door in the morning. And I sort of complain about it when I haven't had much coffee yet. But I know this little hang on my skirt of a bother will last for what will seem like a second. So we captured the second this morning.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Missing Henry

Henry will be spending the week with Nana and Papa this week. Already missing him and we dropped him off today!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Starved Rock

I had been dying to go visit Starved Rock after I'd heard about it a few years ago, didn't quite know what to expect but it was perfect. We had a great time exploring and enjoying the fresh air. Though we were on the serious look out for poison ivy which is everywhere there, not quite sure if the dog has some on her but we shall soon find out. Didn't find any bald eagles, but we did see a Great Blue Heron on our way out, who was so peaceful and graceful wading in some water. Henry says he liked the mud the best. What else to say but he's a boy. We had dinner at a local house turned restaurant. Always nice to get the hiking boots hiking. Fun day!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Laugh Attack

I took this a few weeks ago. I was Oh So Sick. Had to resort to bringing the pack n play into the living room to plop Miles in, in case I couldn't chase him quickly enough. This is why siblings are so good for each other: silly entertainment. Everytime Henry ran by, Miles CRACKED up laughing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Catching up a 9 month old and his Big Brother

Miles just had his 9 month check up and all is great. Nearly missed the appointment, such is the busy life of a working mom, and a cargo train that was stopped on the tracks. :)
We enjoyed a busy fun weekend hosting a crew of Parkers in town to celebrate the Twins' 30th. A trip to the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, Second City, trolley ride through Wrigleyville and a Navy Pier Ferris Wheel ride were jammed into a busy 2 days. What fun it was!